
Pet animals can be sterilized free


The Chisinau City Hall has launched a municipal program to neuter cats and dogs free of charge, IPN reports.

A sum of 300,000 lei was allocated at the first stage for spaying 400 cats and 400 dogs. The initiators of the program aimed to prevent the increase in the number of animals without owners and to ensure everyone’s access to sterilization services.

The owners of pet animals will have to call on (022)74-7 5-20 to place an order and will be called from the veterinary clinic within 24 hours for scheduling an appointment for sterilization.

When taking the animal to the clinic, the owner must present a copy of the identity card and the animal registration certificate issued by the municipal housing stock managing enterprise (if it exists), which will be filled out at the clinic. After sterilization, the animal will get a tattoo with the identification number on the left ear.

The stray animals can be neutered according to the same procedure if these are caught and brought by persons or by volunteers of animal protection organizations.

The local authorities designed and launched the project on the initiative of animal protection associations. The sterilization services will be provided by the Moldovan-German charitable foundation for animal protection LAIKA.