
Persons with disabilities should not be regarded only as recipients of allowances, statements


The persons with disabilities should not be regarded only as recipients of allowances. The state policies and the initiatives of civil society should promote the switchover from tolerance of persons with disabilities to their inclusion in society, from the social approach to the rights-based approach, recommended participants in the national conference “Rights of persons with disabilities from both sides of the Nistru River: realities and perspectives”, IPN reports.

Vitalie Meșter, executive director of the Center for Legal Assistance for Persons with Disabilities, said all the people are equal members of society, either they have disabilities or not. A lot of work is yet to be done in Moldova to ensure the observance of the rights of persons with disabilities. Things go on, but the steps are small and an acceleration is wanted. “The right to work is ensured, but not fully. We have  good policies, but the mechanisms for implementing them are absent. We cannot say that nothing was done, but we want things to be done not only on the initiative of civil society,” stated Vitalie Meșter.

Victoria Boţan, PR specialist of the Association “Motivație”, said the organization she represents is implementing a supported employment program intended for persons with disabilities. During five years, over 100 persons found a job. The figure is small compared with the number of persons with disabilities in Moldova, which exceeds 180,000. “The employment of persons with disabilities is important for their inclusion,” noted Victoria Boţan.

Olesea Perean, national human rights coordinator at the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR), said the discrimination against persons with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova persists. The recommendation is to work out policies that would help the persons with disabilities seek rights. “Regrettably, not all the persons enjoy yet full equality. Equality of rights means equality of opportunity. Only when there are equal opportunities for everyone, each person can realize their potential,” stated Olesea Perean.

Ombudswoman for children’s rights Maia Bănărescu said everyone in a society has equal rights and it is important for the state by its policies to ensure the sociopolitical integration of persons with disabilities so that no one lags behind.