
Persons proficient in German awarded


Students and best teachers of German in Moldova, who took part in a number of contests, including to get scholarships provided by the Embassy of Germany in Chisinau, were awarded on June 16. The students received awards and diplomats for taking part in the literary contest “A day together with the national football team of Germany”. There were also given 20 scholarships of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and 17 German language diplomas. For the first time this year, four awards were presented to the best teachers of German, IPN reports.

The prizes that included books were handed over by the Ambassador of Germany in Chisinau Ulrike Knotz. The diplomat said the studying of a foreign language in the Republic of Moldova facilitates the establishment of new contacts and the appearance of new opportunities. “The German language deserves to be studied not only owing to the nice employment possibilities, but also because it facilitate access to a special cultural area,” added Ulrike Knotz.

Ina Kulibyakina, teacher of German at the Balti Theoretical Lyceum “Nicolai Gogol”, who won the best teacher award, said German is the language that always tends to show why it should be studied. The winning places won by students at contests are the results of the teacher’s work.

Oxana Chira, teacher at the Balti State University “Alecu Russo”, has taught German for 16 years. She said one of the advantages of knowing German is the fact that it opens up new working opportunities, including at German companies opened in Moldova. Many of the graduates of their university chose to go to Germany to continue their studies there.

Cristian Schiopu, a graduate of the Faculty of Law of the State University of Moldova, will be able to go abroad to improve his knowledge of German. He said that no language is difficult if you find interactive ways to study it. “Studying foreign languages is my hobby. I think a person who wants to develop multilaterally should know foreign languages, especially German, whose importance is considerable,” he stated.

About 100 participants were awarded in the third summer holiday of the German language.