
Period of holding military ranks for armed forces reservists increased


Parliament passed in the final reading a bill to increase the period of holding military ranks for armed forces reservists and the age limit for reservists in these forces. The law takes effect on January 1, 2018, IPN reports.

The informative note to the bill, signed by ex-minister for defense Anatol Salaru, says the law will contribute to keeping service members with professional experience in the system by offering equitable conditions for fulfilling one’s duties, stopping the flow of staff from the system and increasing the attractiveness of military service.

Under the bill, the armed forces reserve of the first class includes soldiers, sergeants and sub-officers younger than 50, as opposed to 45 years at present, officers with inferior and superior ranks up to 60, as against 55 years at present, and officers with supreme ranks up to 65 years, in contrast to 60 years at present.

The second class reserve consists of solders, sergeants and sub-officers aged between 50 and 55, officers with inferior and superior ranks aged between 60 and 65 and officers with supreme ranks aged between 65 and 70.

The age limit for doing military service on a contract basis was also increased, in connection with the rise in the retirement age, in a move to enable the armed forces to fully use the human potential of the reserves.