
People’s ombudsman asks to hasten vaccination against COVID-19


The ombudswoman for children’s rights Maia Bănărescu, who also serves as the people’s ombudsman on an interim basis, calls on the authorities to hasten and optimize, by better organization, the vaccination process, including by compiling waiting lists for immunization. In a public statement, the ombudswoman suggests that if some of the persons refuse to be vaccinated, the next persons from the list should be immunized and the campaign to inform the population about the importance of vaccination against COVID-19 should be continued simultaneously, IPN reports.

“The pandemic crisis reached alarming proportions following the ignoring of evident realities: COVID-19 exists and causes havoc in our country, claiming tens of lives daily. Surely, each person knows cases when the parties given on different occasions ended in death or in weeks or months of treatment at the hospital or domicile. The irresponsibility by which the virus has been treated daily causes more victims. The health system is closer to collapse now more than ever,” said Maia Bănărescu.

She called on the authorities to make sure the vaccines are bought in transparent conditions and the process is managed efficiently so that the shots are purchased swiftly and in reasonable timeframes. She recommended the officials in charge of the Ministry of Health to take additional measures so as to reduce the waiting time for testing persons suspected of being infected and to efficiently and sufficiently supervise the state of the persons who are receiving treatment at home.

The ombudswoman calls upon the police to strictly supervise the observance of the restrictions imposed by the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission, in particular in public transport, public institutions, commercial and recreational facilities. She urged to take additional measures to optimize the mechanisms for punishing the business entities that flagrantly violate the Commission’s decisions.