
People’s Assembly of Gagauzia elects chairman


Alexandr Tarnavskii was elected as chairman of the People’s Assembly of Gagauzia of the sixth legislature by the votes of 28 deputies of the 31 attending, IPN reports.

According to Gagauz press reports, Alexandr Tarnavskii was the only candidate fielded for this post. As head of the local legislative body of Gagauzia, Alexandr Tarnavskii intends to devote more attention to economic development and establishment of good partnership relations with the local executive and constructive relations with the central authorities of Moldova.

Until recently, Alexandr Tarnavskii held the post of deputy chairman of the People’s Assembly of Gagauzia.

The People’s Assembly of Gagauzia consists of 35 deputies elected for a four-year term in uninominal local constituencies by universal, equal, secret and freely expressed vote.