
People of arts and science give support for Maia Sandu


Representatives of creation unions and people of science announced their support for the candidate of the Party “Action and Solidarity” Maia Sandu. In a public call made in a news conference at IPN on November 3, these said there is only one chance for the country to be taken out of chaos, disorder and indifference and for the evil from administration, justice and other areas to be rooted out - together with Maia Sandu as President. According to the signatories of the call, Maia Sandu’s victory will offer Moldova the possibility of continuing its European path.

“Dear compatriots, we the representatives of creation unions of Moldova, call on you to vote actively and in a higher number in the November 13 runoff elections and to vote for Maia Sandu as the only candidate of the pro-European and anti-oligarchic opposition. It is the only viable chance. It is the chance that will enable us to bring back the presidential institution into the people’s service, to free it from the captivity of groups of interests that subdued many of the state bodies. The presidential institution must be a real center of power that will contribute to bringing the Republic of Moldova back to the path of European integration,” editorialist Vitalie Ciobanu said, reading the public call.

President of the Writers Union Arcadie Suceaveanu said the people must realize that there can be no alternative than that to the West, to Europe. The candidate’s program derives from the urgent needs of the people, from the sad realities and the necessity of continuing on the path of European integration. “We have only one solution – to solve the numerous spiritual problems that we face. Let’s vote Maia Sandu in the runoff elections,” stated Arcadie Suceveanu.

Theater Union president Sandu Grecu said Maia Sandu can struggle with the oligarchs and can put justice above everything. Moldova’s fate depends on how the people support Maia Sandu who, in her opinion, will be a correct, honest President who will deal with people’s problems.

Ghenadie Ciobanu, president of honor of the Union of Composers and Musicologists, stated that the people must realize the importance of these elections and the importance of a correct choice – Maia Sandu. Otherwise, there is a risk that all the victories scored in time will be lost.

Dumitru Bolboceanu, president of the Union of Plastic Artists, said that after long protests, the people obtained the right to choose the President by direct vote. If Igor Dodon becomes President, Moldova will not have a bright future. Maia Sandu is the only chance for continuing the European road.

The call was signed by the Writers Union, the Union of Composers and Musicologists, the Union of Filmmakers, the Union of Architects, the Union of Plastic Artists, the Theater Union, the Journalists Union, the Center PEN, and the Chisinau Branch of the Writers Union of Romania.