
Pensions will be indexed by 6.6% from April 1


As of April 1, 2018, pensions will be indexed by 6.6%, based on the forecast annual rise in the consumer price index for the previous year, IPN reports, with reference to a draft Government decision proposed by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection for public consultations.

Following the indexation, the average old-age pension will rise by 96 lei for 532 178 recipients. The disability pension will increase by 75 lei for 12 8555 recipients, while the successor pension by 50 lei for slightly over 12,000 persons. The average pension of the participants in the Chernobyl cleanup will grow by 201 lei for 1 792 people.

Under the current legislation, only the part of the pension that is paid through the state social insurance budget is indexed.

Over 553.6 million lei will be needed for indexing the social benefits on April 1, 2018.