
Pensioners stage protest on presidential election day


Dozens of elderly persons mobilized by the public organization “Salvgardare” protested in front of the Palace of the Republic on December 7. They demanded that the Presidential Office be removed and that the number of MPs be decreased from 101 to 51, Info-Prim Neo reports. “We do not want a head of state. The country does not need a President. It can be governed by the Head of Parliament and the MPs,” said Maia Laguta, the organization's leader. She stressed that she made an analysis and reached the conclusion that the Presidential Office spends 8 million lei a month. “No matter who governs the country, Lupu, Voronin, Filat or any other person, we want that the Presidential Office be removed as state institution,” Maia Laguta said. Maia Laguta also said that Moldova is a poor country hit by the economic crisis and the problems must be solved starting with the upper levels, by reducing the number of MPs. “We look for money to survive. There is no other country in the world where the costs of public utilities are higher than the salaries and pensions,” she said. Maia Laguta stated that the earlier protests at which they demanded that the number of MPs be decreased were heard only over the Prut. “We thank the Romanians who heard us.” Earlier, the protesters picketed the Chisinau City Hall, demanding that the water and sewerage charges and bus and trolleybus fares be decreased. They also protested in front of the Government, seeking higher salaries and pensions.