
Pension and incomes of ex-President Vladimir Voronin


The former President of the Republic of Moldova Vladimir Voronin said that he does not own shares in banks and businesses and the pension paid to him because he managed the country in 2001 – 2009 is his own income, IPN reports.

“I receive 80% or 75% of the salary of the incumbent President. I get a pension of 16,000 lei. I do not have shares in banks, deposits,” Vladimir Voronin stated in the talk show “In Depth” on PRO TV Chisinau channel.

As regards the costs incurred by the ex-President and the current leader of the Party of Communists, Vladimir Voronin made reference to the party’s costs only. “We have many other costs in the party. I do not finance the party. We all pay membership dues. If need be, we can pay more than the dues,” stated the politician.

As to the fact that the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova remained with few members, Voronin said this is due to those who governed the country during the last 11 years.

“After we left government, the whole ruling gang caused extreme poverty and now buy the voters with 200 lei, with vodka and pasta.”

In his last tax return submitted in 2019, Vladimir Voronin indicated 180,000 lei salary, 87,000 lei allowance and almost 280,000 lei pension. He and his wife own six lots of land that they acquired between 1996 and 2009.

The Communist leader has a house and an apartment registered in his name, while another house and a garage are registered in his wife’s name. In 2019, the former President also indicated eight bank accounts with different amounts of up to 600,000 lei in them, a bank account with over 1 million lei in it and more than 52,000 shares to the value of over 5.2 million lei.