
PDM suggests Government should regulate tariffs of services for detecting SARS-CoV-2


The Democratic MPs propose that the Government during the public health emergency should be empowered to regulate the tariffs of lab services for detecting SARS-CoV-2 and vaccination services. Gennady Buza, who heads the Parliament’s commission on social protection, health and family, said that if this is done, the population’s access to lab tests for COVID-19 and vaccination services will increase and this will beneficially influence the people’s health and will ensure the financial protection of the citizens, IPN reports.

In a press briefing, Gennady Buza said that the lab services for detecting SARS-CoV-2 and the vaccination services during the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 and the state of public health emergency in Moldova become vital for the supervision and control of COVID-19. Regrettably, the access to such services is limited, owing also to their high price that can rise to 800 lei or up. The people have to use the given services for diagnosis for treatment and when going abroad.

The MP nosed that as the public healthcare system is burdened, the alternative provided by the private sector should be regulated and made accessible to patients. The authorities should set and apply clear and transparent price formation mechanisms for these services. The state already regulates and caps the trade margin on drugs, including vaccines. The Government regulates the tariffs of medical-sanitary services provided for money, but only for public health facilities and for services covered with resources from the mandatory health insurance funds. The tariffs of immunization services remain outside the regulatory framework.