
PDM calls for criminal prosecution over the usurpation of state power by the current government


The Democratic parliamentary group filed a complaint to the prosecutor general calling for the criminal prosecution on grounds of "usurpation of state power by the current government". It refers in particular to the events of June 8-15 when government was allegedly usurped by President Igor Dodon, Maia Sandu, Andrei Năstase, members of the Sandu cabinet and members of the parliamentary majority.

According to a PDM press release, in the complaint, "the democratic MPs request prosecutors to take all necessary prosecution measures to hold accountable those responsible of committing this serious crime against the people".

The PDM deputies present a summary of the legal circumstances of the June 8-15 period, during which, in their opinion, occurred the violation of the Constitution and of Constitutional Court rulings by Igor Dodon, Maia Sandu, Andrei Năstase, but also 61 members of the SPRM-PAS-PPDA. "These subjects, during the mentioned period, without having any constitutional or legitimate rights, took over the state power, even though a series of Constitutional Court rulings exposed the illegal nature of these actions", the democrats said.

According to PDM, "the mentioned citizens acted with premeditation, knew that these actions were illegal, were aware of the Constitutional Court rulings, yet continued to make illegal decisions for the purpose of taking over the state power". The Democrats assert that there are all the constituent elements of the crime provided by art. 339 para. (1) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova and the prosecuting authorities are obliged to initiate a criminal prosecution in this respect.

Previously, the Prosecutor General's Office initiated a criminal case on grounds of usurpation of state power, between June 7-14, by the former government of Moldova. In a press release, the institution informs that on August 5, the interim Prosecutor General, Dumitru Robu, ordered the start of a criminal investigation.