
PDM asks to immediately convoke Supreme Security Council


The Democratic Party (PDM) requests to call a meeting of the Supreme Security Council without delay so as to examine the setting up of the 37 illegal checkpoints in the Security Zone and to remove them, said Democratic MP Alexandru Jizdan, who announced the constitution of a working group that will deal with the given problem, IPN reports.

Alexandru Jizdan said the PDM insists on the convocation of the Supreme Security Council based on information from the Government, which is to examine the situation in a professional way. The actions of the Transnistrian bodies should be assessed and classified and a sustainable platform of support for the executive power should be ensured.

As to the working group, the MP said he formulated such a proposal as the chairman of the Parliament’s commission on national security, defense and public order. The group will include experts of the nongovernmental sector, representatives of the local public authorities and the police.

The MP called on the international organizations that monitor the situation in the Security Zone, including those that defend the human rights, to unconditionally support the Government’s efforts to reanimate the negotiation process and to return to normality so as to peacefully settle the Transnistrian conflict and to immediately remove the 37 illegal checkpoints.