
PCRM demands Foreign Ministry explain why it did not vote on UN resolution on xenophobia and racism


The Communists Party of Moldova (PCRM) seeks explanations from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Moldova over its decision to abstain from voting on the UN Humanitarian and Social Committee's Resolution on the Inadmissibility of Certain Practices that Contribute to Fueling Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. On the other hand, sources in the Foreign Ministry said this is the third year that Moldova abstained from voting, Info-Prim Neo reports. In a news conference, Communist MP Grigore Petrenko said the PCRM will seek explanations over this case in the Parliament. “Certain statements made by representatives of the present government coalition, like Oleg Serebrian (MP on behalf of the PDM – e.n.), to ban the Communist symbols do not surprise us. We are concerned about such tendencies. We do not support attempts to rewrite the history and to praise particular historical criminals,” Petrenko said. The Communist MP considers that Moldova's representative to the UN did not vote on the resolution as he was instructed by the present Foreign Minister to do so. “This is the third year that Moldova did not vote on this yearly report. This year, Moldova aligned itself with a number of EU member states,” said Valeriu Turea, the head of the Moldovan Foreign Ministry's press office.