PCRM criticizes content of referendum ballots
The Communists Party (PCRM) does not agree with the content of the ballots for the September 5 constitutional referendum. In the July 30 meeting of the Central Election Commission (CEC), the party’s jurist Sergiu Sarbu said the referendum question suggests the answer and this is against the law. CEC secretary Iurie Ciocan replied that the question was approved in Parliament and the electoral authority cannot intervene, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The ballot will include the amended version of Article 78 of the Constitution. The question – Are you in favor of amending the Constitution so that it allows for direct election of the head of state? - will come below. There will be two options on the left side of the questions – “For” and “Against”. The voters will put the stamp “Voted” in one of these rectangles.
“The question suggests the answer, in the same way as the option “For”,” said Sergiu Sarbu. He proposed removing the question or replacing it with a new question, like “Do you approve of the constitutional amendment proposal?”
Andrei Volentir, the representative of the Democratic Party to the CEC, said the PCRM should have challenged the Parliament’s decision as regards the question for the referendum earlier.
The ballots will be printed on non-transparent white paper. The number of ballots will be decided after determining the number of persons with the right to vote.