
Pays of administrative-housekeeping personnel of hospitals to be raised by 57%


The salaries for the administrative-housekeeping personnel will be increased by 57% as from November 1. Also, the Government aims to provide a bonus to the medical personnel involved in the provision of medical assistance to patients confirmed with COVID-19. In this regard, the Government approved amendments to the law on the mandatory health insurance funds for 2021, IPN reports.

The approved document specifies the incomes and costs of the mandatory health insurance funds following an analysis of the indicators of the funds in the course of the year and in accordance with the agreed priorities.

Under the document, the incomes will rise by 313 223 lei or 2.8% to 11 457 321 lei, while the costs will grow by 513 223 lei or 4.5% to 11 857 321. The deficit will be covered with the balance formed at the start of the year.