
Pavel Filip’s speech at UN was firm and convincing, opinions


The speech given by Prime Minister Pavel Filip in the recent session of the UN General Assembly in New York, in which he sought the pullout of the Russian troops from the territory of the Republic of Moldova, was firm and convincing. The issue was developed in the talk show “Fabrika” on Publika TV channel, IPN reports.

Journalist Constantin Olteanu said the request to withdraw the Russian troops from the Transnistrian region was made earlier too, but the one uttered at the UN was more firm and categorical. “The Premier’s speech is a follow-up to this summer’s decision concerning the pullout of the Russian army. Speaking in New York means having a categorical position, in the long run, and this requires conclusiveness,” he stated.

Director of the Resource Center for Human Rights Sergiu Ostaf said he earlier heard demands to pull out the Russian troops from Moldova’s territory, but the current one was much more firm. “We seldom see such firmness in the positions of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, at international level, in relation to such a regional power as the Russian Federation and in the current context. The political will here was stated very clearly. There is no doubt as to the Government’s intention and goal,” stated Sergiu Ostaf.

On September 22, Prime Minister Pavel Filip called on the delegates of the states that took part in the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly to support Moldova’s request to introduce the pullout of the foreign military troops from Moldova’s territory in the session’s agenda.