
Pavel Filip informs Romanian counterpart on congested border traffic


Premier Pavel Filip has written today to Romanian Premier Viorica Dăncilă, communicating the issues faced by border crossing points. Pavel Filip is asking the Romanian Government to identify solutions, IPN learned from a press release from the Government.

“Lately, there is an increasing number of petitions concerning congested traffic at border crossing points. Although special measures have been taken, controls still take a long time. This become more evident in the summer season, when numerous vehicles are station in customs points, including groups that travel with minors or elderly persons,” mentions the Premier in the letter addressed to his Romanian counterpart.

In the spirit of open and dynamic partnership, the Premier has requested the involvement of the Romanian Government, in order to identify an optimal solution conducive to more fluent traffic.

The Moldova Government cites to a study on Moldova’s trade routes, which shows that “queue time for trade goods entering Romania is, on average, longer than in all other EU customs points. Average time to cross the Romanian border is around 6 hours (380.4 minutes), whereas crossing a non-Romanian EU border takes around 23.8 minutes.