
Pavel Filip calls on states involved in "5+2” talks to re-assume committments


In his speech at the 71st session of the UN General Assembly, Prime Minister Pavel Filip said no conflict should remain outside the attention of the United Nations, no matter whether this is included in the agenda of the Security Council or not. The lack of progress in resolving conflicts must determine the UN bodies to become directly involved, IPN reports.

In this connection, the Premier called on the UN to more actively engage its authorized bodies in the management of conflicts that are not on the agenda of the Security Council.

Pavel Filip said he approves of the fact that the General Assembly included and maintains in its agenda a point about the protracted conflicts in Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova (GUAM). "These unsolved conflicts, some of which are about 25 years old, like that in the Republic of Moldova, continue to have negative political, social and economic consequences for millions of people," he stated.

In his speech, the Premier said the Transnistrian conflict is first of all a 'product' of the eternal geopolitical interests in the region. The external factor played a decisive role in the starting of this conflict at the start of the 1990s. Unlike other regional conflicts generated by ethnical or religious antagonisms, the Transnistrian dispute is geopolitical in character.

Pavel Filip expressed his concern about the lack of progress in the pullout of Russian troops and munitions that stay on Moldova's territory without the Moldovan authorities' consent and in breach of the Constitution. "We are also concerned about the intensification of military exercises staged in the region by these foreign troops, in concert with the police bodies of the Transnistrian regime," he stated.

According to him, the fragility of the security situation in the region, amplified by the destabilization hotbeds in Ukraine, requires a constructive re-committment on the part of all the states involved in the "5+2” format talks and other interested players, including the UN and OSCE, so as to identify as soon as possible solutions to the mentioned porblems, in accordance with the international law.