
Patent holders say they will stage protests if they are not heard by authorities


The patent holders are dissatisfied with the fact that the authorities do not respond to their requests for dialogue in connection with the reform announced by Minister for Economic Development Dumitru Alaiba by which trade based on patent will be replaced with a simplified fiscal regime – independent activity – on July 1. They said that if this dialog does not take place, the parent holders reserve the right to mount a large-scale protest in the central square of Chisinau.

In a news conference at IPN, Ruslan Verbitski, municipal councilor and patent holder, said the government uses fiscal functionaries to exert pressure on the holders of the entrepreneur’s patent. These go to national markets on the pretext of informing patent holders about the benefits of the so-called new legal provisions proposed by Dumitru Alaiba and the government of “good times”, which will be implemented after the patents are removed. They promise that the patent holders after July 1, 2023 will enjoy a fiscal paradise and independent activity as private individuals without needing to found a legal organization.

Ruslan Verbitski noted that a number of aspects are yet problematic. The cash registers that the private individuals will have to use cost over 20,000 lei. If these are used incorrectly, fines of tens of thousands of lei will be imposed. Also, they say that a legal entity will not need to be registered and the sellers will remain private individuals. What the PAS government does not say is that these will need to present financial reports on their work and this means that they will need the services of an accountant.

“This way, by this action the government tries to discourage the national producers and to replace the markets with larger shops where the prices are dictated by foreign entrepreneurs that will hold a monopoly on the market of agricultural products,” stated Ruslan Verbitski. He also said that their request is for the government not to touch the ordinary people. “If you cannot help them and cannot deliver on any of the promises you made in the election campaign to improve the living conditions, at least don’t place hindrances to them in their efforts to survive,” urged the Chisinau councilor.

Olga Chapki, local and town councilor and patent holder, said the persons who work based on patent from all over Moldova will take to the streets. The people do not have what to eat and will go to protests armed with saucepans and ladles to show that these are empty. They expect they will be invited to real negotiations.

Patent holder Eleonora Țurcanu-Herghelegiu called on the authorities to devote attention to the needs and requests of the people. In 2019, there were 9,100 valid patents for retail trade, while now the figure stands at about 4,000.

Note: IPN News Agency offers the right of reply to persons who consider they were touched by the news items produced based on statements of the organizers of the given news conference, including by facilitating the organization of another news conference in similar conditions.