
PAS proposes amending legislation so as to stimulate employment of persons with disabilities


Only one in five persons with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova works, in Romania each second person with special needs works, while in Estonia two in three persons with disabilities have a job. In Moldova, only 5-10% of the budget resources earmarked for encouraging the employment of persons with disabilities are put to good use, PAS MP Dan Perciune stated in a press briefing. According to him, the PAS group suggests amending the legislation so as to promote employment, IPN reports.

“The Republic of Moldova does not do much to stimulate the employment of persons with disabilities and to help the employers and also these persons to integrate into the labor market. The lower salaries, lack of appropriate transport infrastructure, lack of educational opportunities adjusted to the needs of these persons, the inaccessibility of buildings are just some of the problems that influence the low employment rate among this category of people,” stated Dan Perciun.

The MP noted that the state spends a lot on different social payments instead of investing primarily in the training and employment of persons with special needs. During the last few years, a number of measures were taken to encourage the employers to hire more persons with disabilities, but the impact of these measures was reduced. In 2020, only 215 persons with special needs found a job through the National Employment Agency, by 18 more than in 2019. The financial resources allocated by the state for stimulating the employment of these people are not used. Of 4.6 million lei earmarked in 2019, only 5% was spent. Of 25 million lei planned for the purpose in 2020, only 10% was spent. There is money, but this is not used.

Dan Perciun said the changes proposed by them do not necessitate additional costs and can be implemented by using the funds planned for the employment of persons with special needs for 2021.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in Moldova there are about 177,000 persons with special needs.