
Parties of center-right want a common candidate for presidential elections, but with variations, debate


The parties of the center-right support the idea of fielding a common candidate for the October 30 presidential elections, but with particular variations. Some of the parties want the common candidate to be chosen from among the pro-European parties, while others plead for choosing this candidate from among a wider range of parties. Representatives of parties of the center-right said the candidate could be also selected from among civil society organizations. The opinions were stated in the public debate “Common candidate of the right in the presidential elections: necessity and possibility, advantages and disadvantages”, which is the 57th installment of the series “Developing political culture by public debates”.

The project’s standing expert Igor Botan said the idea of fielding a common candidate for the presidential elections was consciously disseminated in society so as to see the reactions of the political parties and public opinion. The representatives of the government are for each party to field their own candidate for the elections as this way the situation in the country will normalize, as they say. On the other hand, the parties of the center-right speak about a common candidate and are ready to identify this for the sake of the common good, considering that the country is in a profound crisis.

Viorel Cibotaru, a member of the Political Bureau and of the National Political Council of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova, stated that not the concrete figure of the candidate for President is important, but rather the activity to join the political forces that will provide this candidate. The struggle for the post of President must not be a goal in itself. In the current government, the people’s will is not represented, while the country’s European course is underrepresented.

The head of the Party “Action and Solidarity” Maia Sandu said they are discussing a common candidate for the presidential elections on the political center-right. If the common candidate is identified, this should not be made public before the Government and Parliament make known the rules of the game, which are the conditions of the elections. If this candidate is known, the conditions of the elections will not be clearly specified and the government will try to diminish the candidate’s chances.

Secretary general of the European People’s Party of Moldova Mihai Capatana said the party he represents will not have discussions with the Party of Socialists and the Political Party “Our Party” for nominating a common candidate for the presidential elections. However, discussions with the parties of the center-right for choosing a common candidate are necessary. “The necessity of a common candidate of the political center-right is acute today, also because we have a lot of parties on the right,” he stated.

For his part, the deputy head of the Party “Platform Dignity and Truth” Alexandru Slusari said the party he represents is for having discussions on a common candidate with the parties of the center-right and with the parties of the left so that the future President represents all the people. If a common candidate on an extended political segment is not identified, the party will agree to choose a common candidate together with the parties of the center-right.

According to the head of the Party “The Right” Ana Gutu, the 25 years of experience of Moldova show that no matter who is in power, things in the country go bad. “The Right” is interested in identifying a candidate who, besides having other necessary qualities, will be able to promote the idea of Moldova’s union with Romania.

The chairman of the Green Ecologist Party of Moldova Anatolie Prohnitski considers that if the common candidate of the parties of the center-right is identified late, it will be hard to promote this. Fielding a candidate representing civil society that is not affiliated politically is the best solution.

The public debate “Common candidate of the right in the presidential elections: necessity and possibility, advantages and disadvantages” is the 57th installment of the series of debates “Developing political culture by public debates” that are organized with the assistance of the German Foundation “Hanns Seidel”.