
Parliamentary factions consulted on resolution draft of OSCE PA


Kimmo Kiljunen, the head of the PA OSCE team to the Republic of Moldova had meetings, on Tuesday, June 13, with the representatives of 3 parliamentary factions, regarding the situation of Transnistria and the resolution draft, following to be discussed at OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, held on July 3-7 in Brussels. The chairman of the Communist faction of the parliament of Chisinau, Eugenia Ostapciuc, declared after the meeting with Kiljunen that they have discussed with the European official about the situation of the Transnistrian region. „Kiljunen is an objective person, who knows very well this conflict,” she noted. As regards the resolution draft, Ostapciuc said that their faction will study thoroughly this document and, possibly, will support it. Victor Osipov, counselor of the faction Alliance “Moldova Noastra”, reported that at the meeting with the OSCE representative, the faction’s leader Serafim Urecheanu expressed his concern about the referendum planned by the separatist leadership of Tiraspol, saying that it is illegal, and the situations of Kosovo or Montenegro lack any relevance compared to the Transnistrian conflict. At the same time, the negative developments are the result of the aggressive pressing policy, promoted by the president Vladimir Voronin over the past five years, which the separatists use to justify their policy toward the population of the region, Serafim Urecheanu mentioned. According to Osipov, the representative of OSCE PA noted that the situation within the regulation process is worse than ever, characterized by blocked negotiations and their reduction to mutual charges between the leaders of Chisinau and Tiraspol. According to Osipov, the issue of the disputed penal proceedings, associated with political attacks of the power against the opposition, occurred lately, was also discussed. Kiljunen emphasized that these created a bad international image to Moldova, Osipov noted. The vice-chairman of the faction of the Democrat Party, Vladimir Filat, said that through this visit it is intended to see the position of parliamentary groups regarding the situation in Transnistria, and as well the idea of restarting the dialogue between the parliament of Chisinau and Supreme Soviet of Tiraspol. Filat considers this idea as satisfying. „Any means of communication is benefic for solving the Transnistrian conflict, as through statements and laws we will not manage to reunite Moldova”, Filat highlighted. The Christian-Democrat faction of the legislative refused to meet with Kimmo Kiljunen. Stefan Secareanu, PPCD vice-chairman, said that, as member of the parliamentary delegation to OSCE, he was not informed about any resolution on RM, following to be discussed at OSCE PA. „It seems that Kiljunen continues the old practice to draft such documents behind Chisinau’s back”, Secareanu underlined. Kimmo Kiljunen stated yesterday, after the meeting with the speaker Marian Lupu, that OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, to be held on July 3-7, in Brussels, will adopt a resolution regarding Moldova and the situation in the Transnistrian region. On Wednesday, June 14, Kiljunen visits the Transnistrian region and meets with the leaders of Tiraspol.