
Parliamentary coalition is illegal, experts


The parliamentary coalition that signed in favor of the candidate for Prime Minister Pavel Filip is illegal, consider constitutional law experts. Opinions on the issue were stated in the talk shows “In Depth” on PRO TV Chisinau channel and “Place for dialogue” on Radio Moldova station, IPN reports.

Within a live phone call during the program “In Depth”, former Constitutional Court judge Nicolae Osmochescu said that he doubts the legality of the parliamentary coalition. “First of all, a parliamentary coalition is formed immediately after the legislative elections. Secondly, a parliamentary coalition is created in a plenary sitting of Parliament. Thirdly, the decision to form such a coalition is stipulated in proceedings and is kept in the archive. None of these conditions were met,” he stated.

The expert considers the head of state couldn’t have been obliged to accept the candidate fielded by this parliamentary coalition. “Besides violating the procedure for forming parliamentary coalitions, those who formed it put their political interests above the legal reasons stipulated in the Constitution,” said Nicolae Osmochescu.

In the program “Place for dialogue”, constitutional law expert Alexandru Arsene said the Constitutional Court’s decision of December 29, 2015 is an illegal one. “The Constitutional Court lost its competence when it explained an article that does not exist in the Constitution. The fundamental law does not regulate the creation of an absolute majority coalition. With all due respect for the Court, but these are inventions,” he stated.