
Parliament votes to establish three types of alternative childcare services


A bill creating alternative care services for children up to three years of age was adopted in the final reading by Parliament today.

The bill establishes three types of services: services organized by the employer at the workplace; services offered by a qualified childcare provider at home for a limited number of children; and services offered by a qualified childcare provider at the home/residence of the child. The Government is to develop separate regulations for each service, which will describe exactly how they operate.

MP Dan Perciun, sponsor of the bill, said that the creation of alternative services will increase the rate of inclusion of children of pre-school age in care services, which, as a result, will increase the rate of participation of women in the labor market, contributing to the reconciliation of professional and personal life. According to him, there are currently around 100,000 children of pre-school age enrolled in nursery services, and the plan is to at least double that number.

The bill on alternative child care services was developed in collaboration with the UN Population Fund of Moldova, UN Women, UNICEF and GIZ Moldova.