
Parliament votes to create virtual IT parks and to offer concessions to them


The legislative body on July 31 adopted a bill to set up virtual IT parks whose goal is to create better conditions for the activity of this important sector and to provide greater opportunities for attracting investments and incomes into the state budget. The law also provides significant concessions for the IT sector, IPN reports.

The document, which was passed in the first reading, stipulates that the IT companies will be exempted from VAT and customs duties on the import of computation equipment and will pay a common tax of 7%. Furthermore, the new legal framework offers conditions for systematizing inspections, which can be carried out only once in three years, legalizing the salaries paid ‘in envelope’, taking the IT companies out of the underground economy, etc.

“These decisions align Moldova with the countries that are attractive owing to the competitiveness of the conditions of the IT business,” said Minister of Information and Communication Technology Pavel Filip, who presented the bill.

The document caused heated debates, but was supported especially by the MPs who are from the same party as Filip, including the leader of the Democratic Party Marian Lupu and Head of Parliament Andrian Candu.

The Speaker said the IT sector can become the most important sector of the national economy only if conditions are created for developing it. “We need to try another model so as to grow revolutionarily. If it is efficient, it could be used in other areas too. If we do not propose something special, we will not attract investors. By this model, Moldova has the chance to become known and attractive,” stated Andrian Candu, adding that the bill needs to be adjusted, but the basic idea can provide great opportunities to Moldova.

He also said that the establishment of favorable conditions of activity for this sector could generate larger investments and significant budget revenues.