
Parallels between Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and today’s reality


Historians from Moldova and Ukraine drew parallels between the consequences of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and Russia’s current expansionist policy in a Chisinau-Kiev radio duplex, IPN reports.

Speaking about the two periods, Ukrainian scientist Yury Shapoval said that the pact was also a consequence of the expansionist policy of Russia. “In the case of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the former Soviet empire expanded due to western Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and Bessarabia. Now, the successor of the USSR annexed Crimea and is trying to steal parts of eastern Ukraine. President Putin wants just to strengthen his power and is obsessed by the laurels of Yekaterina II,” he stated.

The historian expressed his regret at the fact that the West does not take more drastic measures to stop Putin. “Putin lies insolently, as Hitler did, without morality. It’s a pity that the West and the whole international community didn’t let the Russian president learn the lesson from the mistakes he makes. But I hope that we will witness the reaction of the Russian people,” said Yury Shapoval.

Another Ukrainian historian Sergey Hromenko considers that the West and the international community cannot intervene in the war between Russia and Ukraine because Moscow has a nuclear weapon and any politician from the democratic states will take this thing into account when considering intervening.

Doctor of History Octavian Tacu from Chisinau said that two new identities were formed as a result of the expansionist policies of Russia – the Moldova people and the Transnistrian people. “It’s not excluded that other entities will be yet invented such as the Crimean people or the South-Ukrainian people,” he stated.

He added that today the Ukrainian soldiers defend Moldova’s independence as well as Putin can get to the Prut if he is not stopped at the border with Ukraine.

Political commentator from Chisinau Anatol Taranu said that Russia repeats the scenario used in Moldova in 1992, when it caused an interethnic conflict and then intervened militarily in Transnistria and occupied it. “It is important to understand that you are not alone and that you must be patient. The European Union cannot do more than it does now. I think the former Soviet republics should join forces now in order to stop Russia’s expansionism,” he stated.