
Painting exhibition brings Romanian traditions to museum


A Romanian artist has painted a series of works specifically for the audience of the National Art Museum of Moldova. Dorin Coltofeanu conveys through 42 paintings the history and traditions of the Romanian village, using the language of colors and of the dream world. The painter shows his support for Romanians everywhere with this collection, reminding them not to forget their origins and ancestral customs, said the exhibition curator, Damian Florea.

The works of the artist Dorin Coltofeanu are exhibited for the first time in Chișinău. The artist brings to the Moldovan cultural space works inspired by traditions, which are wrapped in an authentic form of expressiveness and artistic authenticity. Damian Florea, art collector and art curator, said that the artist grew up in rural areas and is the son of a teacher and grandson of a priest, to whom he owes his special perception of ancient traditions. "We can say with certainty that Dorin Coltofeanu influences the era in which he lives. Without much ado, the artist steps forward and distinguishes himself from his contemporaries, as one who has sought and found the possibility, through his art, to relate to a world that mankind has been striving for millennia to explain - the world of dreams. Dorin Coltofeanu seems to paint dreams, which is perhaps why his stories remain suspended, vibrating like a mantra, challenging us, the viewers of his paintings, to search for that something that envelops us and reassures us when we are faced with his works", said Damian Florea at the opening of the exhibition.

According to National Art Museum of Moldova director, Tudor Zbârnea, the artist impresses the canvases with a long decantation and painstaking treatment of the motifs and of the entire image surface. "He is an artist who exceptionally works with value and color. The works are so laboriously and exquisitely crafted, that you get the impression that they are made out of glass - if you touch them, you break them. He is an artist who will certainly attract a large audience, not just for the artwork", said Tudor Zbârnea.

Born on 20 August 1950, Dorin Coltofeanu is a Romanian-trained visual artist. He studied at the Academy of Art in Bucharest, in the class of Professor Corneliu Baba. He is a full member of the Union of Fine Artists of Romania and participates in most of the exhibitions organized in Romania. He has made a name for himself abroad, in international exhibitions in Rome, Tel Aviv, Serbia, Great Britain, Spain, Sweden, France, Brussels, Saint Petersburg, Portugal, etc.

The exhibition has been made possible with the support of the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova of the Romanian Government and is open to the public until September 16.