
Over 30 MPs are teachers or have teaching experience


More than 30 members of the Parliament of the eleventh legislature are teachers or have teaching experience. Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu addressed a message of gratitude to the pedagogues for their dedication, honesty and devotion, IPN reports.

“I’m very close to you from all viewpoints. I know how much effort you make daily, but you reap the harvest over years, when you are proud of your pupils. During the pandemic, we saw that distance learning is rather difficult. I thank each of you for your efforts and patience,” reads the Speaker’s message.

Igor Grosu graduated from the State University of Moldova, being a teacher of history. In 2012-2015, he held the post of deputy minister of education. Eight more MPs are teachers of history, namely Mihail Druță, Lilian Carp, Vladimir Bolea, Virgiliu Pâslariuc, Iulia Dascălu, Larisa Voloh, Victoria Cazacu, and Eduard Smirnov.

The head of the Parliament’s commission on culture, education, research, youth and the media Liliana Nicolaescu-Onofrei and the commission’s secretary Marcela Adam are philologists, teachers of Romanian language and literature. Angela Munteanu-Pojoga is a bachelor of philology, while Yevgenia Cojocaru is also a teacher of Romanian language and literature.

Doina Gherman is a teacher of foreign languages (English and French), while Ivanna Koksal is a teacher of Gagauz language and literature. Natalia Davidovici holds a diploma in psychopedagogy, while Liliana Grosu is a teacher of psychology. Gheorghe Agheorghiesei and Svetlana Căpățină worked as primary school teachers. Marina Morozova studied teaching and educational management.

Veronica Roșca is a lecturer of social-humanitarian sciences, Petru Burduja is a lecturer of economic sciences, Valeriu Muduc is a lecturer of political economy, while Bogdan Țîrdea is a professor of political sciences. Reghina Apostolova, Larisa Novac and Ina Coșeru are teachers of geography, chemistry and, reactively, biology, Ion Groza is a teacher of theology, while Maria Gonța is a teacher of mathematics. 

Even if they are not teachers by profession, a number of the current MPs have teaching experience, including in the NGOs sector. Also, Adrian Belîi and Ana Oglindă are doctors of medical sciences, Virgiliu Pâslariuc and Eduard Smirnov are doctors of historical sciences, Vasile Șoimaru and Alla Darovannaya are doctors of economy, while Bogdan Țîrdea is a doctor of political sciences. Chiril Tatarlî is a doctor of agricultural sciences.

World Teachers’ Day has been celebrated annually on October 5 since 1994 to commemorate the signing of the 1966 UNESCO/ILO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers.