
Over 150 young people have learned how to benefit from EU projects


Over 150 young people from various educational institutions in the country have learned how they can benefit from the EU-funded youth development opportunities as part of the „EU Talks /Vorbește cu Europa / Говорим с Европой” series of events, held today, September 19, IPN reports.

According to a press release of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, young people visited the EU-funded Youth Projects Exhibition, listened to the success stories of beneficiaries and graduates of Erasmus +, eTwinning, EU4Youth, European Solidarity Corps European programs and learned how they can access themselves the opportunities offered by the EU.

Minister Liliana Nicolaescu-Onofrei believes that students should learn from the experience of young people who have already benefited from the advantages offered by European projects. Teachers need to know more about the possibilities through which they can advance professionally and can help their students gain confidence in their own abilities.

EU Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova Peter Michalko argues that the EU wants to bring information to the attention of young people and to provide insight into how these opportunities can be used in everyday life. "We will do this by coming to your school and university, but also to the EU Information Centers and Euroclubs that we have opened in those years," said the diplomat.

"Erasmus + is a whole life in a semester, not a semester in a lifetime," says Eugen Afanas, who thanks to this program studied at the University of Oradea, Romania. Now, he works at an IT company in Chisinau, but he is convinced that his open-mindedness is also due to this experience.

Loredana Gamurari, who studied for 12 months at the "Mykolas Romeris" University in Vilnius, Lithuania, is also back home. Now she is an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, and her credo is that good things, learned abroad, deserve to be taken over by our country.

"EU-Moldova: Stronger together. Creating new opportunities for youth!” awareness campaign aims at raising the public awareness level as regards the educational, professional qualification and personal development opportunities offered by the European Union to the citizens of the Republic of Moldova of all ages. The campaign will last until November 30.