
Other states will become involved in settlement of Transnistrian conflict, experts


At a certain moment, Chisinau will not be alone in the discussions with Moscow on the resolution of the Transnistrian dispute. Berlin, Paris, London and Washington will be near it as they do not want this enclave that is a paradise for all kinds of evasion and trafficking in guns. Such an opinion was stated by experts invited to Publika TV’s program “Fabrika”. The comments were made following the Communist leader VladimirVoronin’s assertion that the Transnistrian conflict can be resolved only by federalization, IPN reports.

Romanian analyst BogdanChirieac said the people in Romania are less preoccupied with the unification of Moldova and its integration into the EU. This is rather the preoccupation of the elites. Even so, the West does not want a new Russian enclave in the south. Everything can be negotiated. “Over the next years, Moldovawill be part of the EU and there is no other direction. Moldova comes closer to the EU every year and every month. More and more Moldovans have passports and travel to the EU. There is no other course and, judging by Russia’s behavior, it doesn’t see another course either,” said the analyst.

BogdanChirieac believes that the Transnistrian secessionists are directed in their acts by Moscow. “I do not think that the EU or Washington want to see something like this. Meanwhile, Russia also Europeanized, even if it fights for the status of overpower.VladimirPutin is welcome in many European cities and I see no danger of the unfreezing of the Transnistrian conflict,” he stated.

Politologist NicolaeTsveatkov said the idea of federalizing Moldova was put forward in 2006 by the Belgians and by the former leader of the Transnistrian leader IgorSmirnov. “The idea didn’t appear yesterday. A republic inside another republic is one thing, but federalization is another thing. The theme is misinterpreted. An example of republic inside the republic is Ukraine’s Crimea. They are now discussing actively Transnistria’s place in the European integration process of Moldova. No matter how the region is named, it is the powers that count. They are the subjects of negotiations,” stated the politologist.

Lawyer TeodorCarnat said that in order to grant the status of republic to the Transnistrian region, the Constitution must be amended. “The interest in this region decreases. They accepted to be slaves of this regime because they benefit from concessions for heat, gas. We see that those who break the law in Transnistria are favored,” he added.

Political analyst ViorelCibotarusaid that we are facing greater dangers, like the granting of Russian nationality to the Transnistrians and the steps taken to open a consulate.

Political analyst Anatol Taranu considers that Russia does not want Moldova to become part of the EU and uses all the possible instruments to hamper it, while the Transnistrian region is an ideal instrument. The resources are now insufficient for settling the Transnistrian conflict and it should thus remain frozen as long as possible.