
OSCE PA to urge Russia to finalize the process of withdrawal of its troops and ammunition from the territory of Moldova


The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly will propose to adopt a new resolution on Moldova that appeals to the Russian Federation to renew and to timely finalize the process of withdrawal of its troops and ammunition from the territory of the Republic of Moldova and transforming the peace-keeping forces into an international mechanism. In the draft resolution, which will be proposed for approval, it is recognized that the existence of an unsettled conflict in the Tranistrian region of the Republic of Moldova constitutes a threat to the security and stability in Europe. The resolution will express the concern that failure to find a solution to the problem concerning the status of the Tranistrian region of the Republic of Moldova seriously hampers economic and social progress in the Republic of Moldova and its further integration into European structures. At the same time it is welcomed the consensus reached in the Moldovan Parliament and society to offer the Tranistrian region a broad autonomy and is recognized the progress made over the last year with regard to ensuring the development of democratic institutions, freedom of the media and rule of law in the Republic of Moldova The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly considers that the agreement on a special legal status for the Tranistrian region in the composition of the Republic of Moldova while consolidating and ensuring the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova constitutes the major aim of negotiations. The Assembly urges the Moldovan government and the administration of the Tranistrian region, with the support of the mediators and observers from the OSCE, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, the European Union and the United States to seek actively and in good faith for ways which could lead to a comprehensive and lasting political settlement of the Tranistrian conflict. The resolution urges Tranistrian authorities to repeal recent restrictions on civil society and to promote democratic reforms, in particular with regard to the further development of political parties, civil society organizations media outlets and other such democratic institutions. Also the assembly welcomes the temporary solution found for the “Dorotcaia question” which allows free access for Moldovan farmers to their land and calls on all parties involved to resolve other disputed questions in the Security Zone in a similar, constructive fashion. As well the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly takes note of the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of the Ilascu group and in this context urges that all necessary actions should be taken for the immediate release of those two individuals that continue to be illegally detained in the Tranistrian region. The assembly appeals to the Russian Federation to renew and to timely finalize the process of withdrawal of its troops and ammunition from the territory of the Republic of Moldova in accordance with the commitments taken at the 1999 OSCE Istanbul Summit. OSCE PA expresses its conviction that dialogue between legislators from both sides of the Nistru River would help to increase mutual trust and confidence. The works of OSCE PA will take place during July 3-7. A delegation of the Republic of Moldova will also participate at the Assembly.