
OSCE chairman visits Moldova


OSCE chairman Karel de Gucht will visit Moldova on 6-8 march. During the visit, Belgian foreign minister will meet with the leadership of Chisinau and with the separatist administration of Tiraspol, William Hill, head of OSCE Mission to Moldova, announced about this on Wednesday, 1 March. Hill mentioned that during his visit de Gucht would familiarise with the security zone and the current stage of the peace operation. The American diplomat supposes that there would be discussed all the items regarding conflict regulation process, evacuation of Russian guns of Transnistria, as well as the reform process and achieving European integration policy in Moldova. He expressed his hope that in these conditions, visit of OSCE chairman would give an impetus in taking certain decisions in conflict regulating process. In an interview given to BBC in January 2006, new OSCE chairman showed very sceptic regarding the solving, this year, of Transnistrian issue. He considers that it has to found, sooner or later, a federalisation solution. These statements provoked reactions and critics addressed to Gucht on behalf of politicians and political analyst of Chisinau as well as the foreign ones.