
Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of the 40 Holy Martyrs


Orthodox Christians following the old church calendar today commemorate the 40 martyrs of Sevastia. The faithful go to church to confess their sins and to give alms for health and for the souls of the dead. On this occasion, they are baked "saints" - plaited colacs in the shape of the figure eight. The church urges parishioners to be pious and clean of body and soul through fasting, prayer and confession of sins, IPN reports.

The Church says the 40 martyrs are 40 Roman soldiers who were forced to renounce their faith by being imprisoned for eight days, stoned and immersed in winter in a river in Sevastia, in modern-day Armenia, for refusing to worship idols. Among them was Saint Martyr Valerie, after whom a church in the capital's Riscani district was named.

At midnight, one of the 40 soldiers jumped out of the water and ran towards the warm bath set up by the idol worshippers. Those left to endure the cold began to pray. The ice in the lake melted and shining wreaths descended on the martyrs. One of the soldiers on guard, amazed that in the middle of the night the water had warmed up and at the sight of the 40 wreaths descending from the sky, joined the others, confessing that he too was a Christian. The next day the soldiers were taken out of the lake and had the whistles of their feet smashed with hammers, and died in agony.

On this day, the Mass of the Pre-Holy Gifts is celebrated in the church, a special liturgy, the priests say. Christians hear the Mass, confess and receive the sacraments. In honor of the holy martyrs, the housewives bake pastry pastries called Saints. These are given as alms to the people and placed on icons, where they are kept as a work of grace until St. George.

The 40 martyrs are believed to be the protectors of farmers and vegetation. It is also believed that on this day it is good to give alms.