
Orthodox Christians celebrate the Annunciation


The Orthodox Christians following the old Church calendar on April 7 observe the Feast of the Annunciation, which marks the visit of Angel Gabriel to Virgin Mary, during which he told her that she would be the mother of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. On this day, those who fast are allowed to eat fish and drink wine, IPN reports.

According to clerics, the Feast of the Annunciation is one of the twelve Great Feasts of the church year, and is among the eight of them that are counted as feasts of the Lord. It is a principal Marian feast.

The festival celebrates two things: God’s action in entering the human world as Jesus in order to save humanity; and humanity’s willing acceptance of God’s action in Mary’s freely given acceptance of the task of being the Mother of God.

People say that the weather on Easter will be similar to the weather on the Annunciation.