
Orthodox Christians celebrate Palm Sunday tomorrow


The Orthodox Christians on April 24 celebrate Palm Sunday, which is one of the Twelve Great Feasts of the liturgical year. It commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. On this day, parishioners go to church. Those who fast are allowed to eat fish. Contacted by IPN, priest of “Saint Pious Parascheva” of Ialoveni town Oleg Ursu stated that Palm Sunday is the start of Holy Week, which is the week before Easter, commemorating events in the last days of Jesus Christ’s life.

The priest said that Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem and the people there laid down their cloaks in front of him and also laid down small branches of palm trees. The people sang: “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. We bless you from the house of the Lord.” The day before Palm Sunday, Lazarus Saturday, is the miracle when Jesus Christ raised Lazarus from the dead after he had lain in the grave four days.

The palm branch is a symbol of victory, triumph, peace and eternal life. The difficulty of procuring palm branches in unfavorable climates led to their substitution with branches of native trees, including box, olive, willow, and yew.

According to Oleg Ursu, they bless blooming willow tree branches in Moldovan churches on Palm Sunday. The parishioners take these branches and candles home with them after the service and keep them throughout the year. Those who fasted are allowed to eat fish and drink wine and can take communion.

They say beekeepers on this day must surround the beehives with blessed branches, while farmers must bury buds under furrows. When there is a storm, the buds blessed on Palm Sunday are put in the fire so as to scatter the clouds and hail.