
Opinions divided on why coalition formation talks proceed slowly


Last night's guests of the “Politica” talk-show on TV 7 voiced different opinions about the reasons the negotiations on coalition formation are dragging. While some think that the leaders of the pro-European parties can't agree on how to share the portfolios, others say that on the contrary, some offices are unwanted because of the responsibilities they carry, IPN reports.

Political analyst Anatol Taranu is sure that the talks are protracted because the negotiators discuss personal and narrow group interests, which cause conflicts. For Taranu, such situations should be prevented by some kind of legislative mechanism, currently lacking. “We should adopt the German model. The party with the highest number of seats is summoned by the head of state and given a 10 day deadline to form the Cabinet. If it fails, the party with the second most seats is summoned and so on”, explained Taranu.

His position was shared by political pundit Victor Gurau. “They lack internal solutions. Individual interests dominate collective interests. After in 2010 they shared between themselves everything they could, now they have to do it again, while also trying to keep up appearances”, stated Gurau.

The talk-show's permanent guest Igor Botan had a different stance on the issue. “I think the situation is actually the opposite: they are passing offices to one another. The leaders of the three pro-European parties don't want to hold some ministries because they are afraid of the responsibilities. The EU Association Agreement has been signed and they will have to work hard to implement it, while the Europeans' control will tighten so that they won't be able to steal”, said Botan.