
Only three Cabinet members didn’t contract novel coronavirus


Only three members of the Cabinet, among whom is the Premier, didn’t get COVID-19 so far. In the program “Four power” on N4 TV channel, Prime Minister Ion Chicu said that many of his colleagues, including secretaries of state and ministers, got infected with the novel coronavirus, IPN reports.

Asked about the eventual restrictions owing to the pandemic, Premier Chicu said the activities will not be stopped, if only in parts, if need be. There are now no localities that would be fully in quarantine. If there is a hotbed in a region or another, particular restrictions can be imposed.

“We mentioned all the time and I will say again: we will not restrict the economic activities as the experience of this spring showed that no much effect was obtained as a result,” explained the official.

“It’s clear that the Moldovans and the Republic of Moldova live on what they earn today. We do not have economies that would enable us to stay at home for 12 months and consume. If we do not work for a month, we have a gap either in the budget of the family or the state. That’s why we cannot impose economic restrictions and will not halt economic activities.”

The obligation to self-isolate for 14 days remains valid on return from countries with a high risk of infection, at least until a decline in the number of infections is not witnessed.