
Only Compensations for clearing multiannual plantations have been raised so far


The allocations for clearing multiannual plantations will be increased from 15% to 30%, Info-Prim Neo reports. The Government approved such an amendment to the regulations concerning the partial covering of the expenses of clearing the multiannual plantations that cannot be used any longer. The other amendments introduced to the regulations stipulate the steps that must be taken to clear the multiannual plantations and those that will be partly compensated. The working out of the expenditure estimate, the mechanic clearing of the vines, the transportation of the cleared vines outside the plantation, the ploughing for planting at a depth of 40-60 cm, the cultivation and harrowing of the land will be compensated in the case of vineyards. Besides the mentioned activities, when clearing the orchards there will be financed the leveling of holes. The Government hopes that the rise in compensations for clearing the given plantations and the stipulation of the activities that will be financed will hasten the reintroduction of these lands into the agricultural circuit. The National State Association for Land Protection of the Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre was designated as the general contractor that will carry out the clearing works, when these works are carried out by land owners. A sum of 4.32 million lei went to clear the multiannual plantations in 2007.