
Online registration with family doctor to be tested from this week


The service for online scheduling of appointments with the family doctor will be tested in 20 medical institutions starting with this week. The authorities aim to launch the service and to extend it gradually so that it becomes functional in all the 272 medical institutions of the country by this yearend.

“We switched over to industrial testing, which is not visible on the Internet, but the company that is implementing the system already developed the solution. The medical institutions where the system is tested are situated in Chisinau, Truseni, Durlesti, Donduseni, Cahul, and Ungheni. The works are carried out according to plan. From this week, the system will be visible for the pilot institutions,” the head of the Health Ministry’s e-Transformation Service Alexandru Rosioru has told IPN.

He stated that the program is developed in parallel with the system for creating the patient’s electronic record card that will also be piloted in the 20 medical institutions. Thus, absolutely all the actions, starting with the appointment scheduling and continuing with the collection of data and creation of the patient’s electronic record card, will take place electronically. Twenty specialists from Romania are working on the two services.

Alexandru Rosioru added that a part of the doctors in the country have been already trained to use the computer. All the local medical institutions have websites where appointments can be made. Even if the new method of registering with the family doctor is instituted, the classical methods will continue to be used during a period of time allotted for accommodation. The direction order obtained from the family doctor can be used to schedule online appointments with several doctors.

Of the 19 million lei allocated for the project, there has been used 4.7 million lei.