
One-off childbirth allowance to rise by 1,160 lei


The one-off childbirth allowance will be increased by 1,160 lei, from 8,299 to 9,459 lei, while the child benefit paid up to the child’s age of two will rise by 100 lei for socially uninsured persons, from 640 lei to 740 lei, IPN reports.

The Cabinet on December 22 also approved higher monthly allowances for a number of categories of persons, like the participants in the Nistru war, in the war in Afghanistan and in other countries (+200 lei to 500 lei), the persons with disabilities from war and from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster (+100 lei), the persons who were conferred orders and medals for assiduous work and impeccable military service (+100 lei), etc.

Another document approved today provides that these persons will benefit from tickets to sanatoriums and rehabilitation centers once in three years, either they can or cannot work. Also, the persons engaged by the local authorities in the collection of munitions and military equipment and in works to demine World War II explosive devices will get by 700 lei.