One fourth of Moldova’s population prefers domestic partnership
The family in Moldova remains the main cell of the society despite the continuous change of mentality, migration and the worsening living conditions. This is one of the conclusions of the study “Model of Family in Transition and Public Policies’ Response to Changing Values and Social Structures in Moldova” that was presented in Chisinau on June 10, Info Prim Neo reports.
The research shows that the people in Moldova continue to believe in the model of family in which the children are educated and brought up by both of the spouses. More than 84.6% of the respondents said they are in favor of such a model. Some 55% of those questioned said that the children raised by both of the parents are much more educated.
The study reveals a new type of family – family at distance – which virtualizes the relation and responsibility of the parents.
The family remains the main value for 90.8% of those surveyed. Only 10% describe the marriage as something old-fashioned. At the same time, there is a growing tendency to informalize the marriage, 25% of the respondents preferring domestic partnership.
Among the qualities that the children acquire through education are the diligence and independence, qualities chosen by 39.1% and, respectively, 27.7% of the respondents. 18.7% of those polled chose the responsibility, 16.2% - the good manners and 13.8% - the sobriety.
Explaining why he accepted to take part in the study, the UNICEF Representative in Moldova, Ray Virgilio Torres said that they wanted to see what role the family plays in educating the children, what the parents do to protect their children and what does the state do for the purpose. Torres denied the fact that Moldova witnesses the degradation of the family as when one or both of the parents go abroad, their role is most often taken over by the grandparents or close relatives. “The creation of good working and living conditions in Moldova is the major factor that leads to the reunion of the families and the creation of a favorable atmosphere for child development,” Ray Virgilio Torres said.
The study was carried out between June 2007 and May 2008 by experts of the Institute for Development and Social Initiative “Viitorul” with the support of the UNICEF Office in Moldova. The analysis is based on a sociological survey.