
Ombudswoman reacts to differences in child abuse statistics


The state authorities do not use effective leverages to identify all the cases of child sexual abuse – this is how Children's Ombudswoman Tamara Plamadeala explains the disparity between the national official statistics and those of the international organizations, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the Ministry of the Interior, in 2009 there were initiated 50 sets of criminal proceedings in cases of sexual abuse involving children, and 41 in 2010. Of them, 19 were remitted to court, 10 were quashed, and the rest are still investigated. Meanwhile, UNICEF statistics showed that there were over 400 cases of abuse and sexual exploitation in Moldova in 2007 alone. The children's ombudswoman said she will recommend the Government to identify the necessary methods and tactics to react to each individual case of sexual abuse against children. One in five children in Europe becomes victim of sexual abuse. It is believed that in 70% to 85 % of cases, sexual abuse offenders are acquainted with their victims.