Oldest candidate is 88
The oldest candidate standing for Parliament in the November elections is 88 years old and represents the National Liberal Party, placed no.52 in the party's slate. Igor Burca is a pensioner and lives in Chisinau.
According to Info-Prim Neo's estimation, the average age of the candidates running in the ongoing race is 42.2 years. The most “elderly” slate is that of the Moldova Noastra Alliance Party, with an average of 47.3 years, and the “youngest” belongs to the Christian Democratic People's Party, with an average of 37.8 years. Among other “elderly” party tickets are those of the United Moldova Party (46.1 years), the Humanist Party (46.9 years) and the Democratic Party (45.7 years).
In terms of capital city representatives, ex-foreign minister Andrei Stratan Republican Party is in the lead, with 70 out of 101 candidates domiciled in Chisinau. At the opposite pole is the Christian Democratic People's Party, with only 25 Chisinau representatives. The party slates where Chisinauians represent more than a half belong to Moldova's Patriots and United Moldova, 68 and 56, respectively.
Women have the largest representation on the slates of Moldova Noastra Alliance, the National Liberal Party and the Democratic Party, with 38, 37 and 24 women, respectively. The Christian Democratic People's Party, United Moldova and the Humanist Party have fewer than 20 women on their 101-candidate tickets.