
Nutritionists advise on fasting regimes


Among the most spread mistakes made by fasting people is eating mainly potatoes, patisserie and other products that do not contain essential elements needed by the body. Nutritionist Sergiu Munteanu stated for IPN that an essential role in the period is played by beans and other seeds of the same class, which are the main vegetal source of proteins. The peas, chickpeas and lentils should be mandatorily included in the menu while fasting.

Besides, one should also eat fresh or thermally prepared fruit and vegetables. According to the nutritionist, vegetables provide the vitamins needed by humans and are an important source of fiber. Cauliflower, broccoli, Chinese cabbage and arugula leaves as well as such root vegetables as carrot, parsley, celery and beet should also be eaten in plenty amounts. Products from soybean can also be eaten, but not more often than twice a week.

Sergiu Munteanu noted a correct fasting regime has a positive effect on the body as it contributes to purification. In particular situations, a fasting regime is not recommended to persons who suffer from diseases of the digestive system, such as gastritis, pancreatitis or chronic diseases, and also to children, pregnant and breastfeeding women.