
Number of undecided voters decreased to under 30%, iData


The iData Barometer for October 2023 shows that 62.6% of the respondents of a poll already decided who to vote for in this Sunday’s general local elections. 29.9% of those polled have doubts, while 7.5% said that they either wound not vote in elections or don’t know who they would vote for.

“Compared with our previous surveys presented a month ago and two months ago, when there was practically parity between those who decided which of the candidates to vote for and those who didn’t make up their minds, in several weeks before the elections the people started to decide. So, we have a much larger percentage of citizens who know who to vote for. The number of those who are undecided declined to under 30%. It is yet significant and surely some of these persons will not vote in elections. Others will decide at the last minute. Even those who are decided can change their decision as it is something normal to do this right on election day,” executive director of iData polling company Mihai Bologan stated in a news conference hosted by IPN.

Mihai Bologan said the respondents were asked about the political affiliation of the candidate for mayor who they intend to vote for. Compared with the first polls, the number of those who would vote for an independent candidate decreased considerably, to 2.6%. Almost 20% of those interviewed said they would vote for a mayor of the Party of Action and Solidarity, while 13.2% - for a mayor of the Party of Socialists. 11.3% of the respondents would vote for a candidate of the Chance Party, 8.4% - of the Party “National Alternative Movement”, 1.8% – of the European Social Democratic Party, 1.6% – of the Communist Party, etc.

As to the elections in the municipality of Chisinau, where 601 questionnaires were completed, MAN leader Ion Ceban would gain most of the votes. He was mentioned by 42.3% of those polled. He is followed by PAS candidate Lilian Carp with 14.3% of the vote. “Further, we have a group of candidates who would obtain 3-4% of the ballot. These are Cristina Vulpe, Victor Chironda, Ruslan Codreanu, and Adrian Albu. Vasile Bolea would be voted by 2.2% of those surveyed, Vadim Brînzaniuc – by 1.4%. There are also candidates who were named by less than 1% of the voters. These are Anatol Usatîi, Ion Bulgac, Diana Caraman, Roman Mihăeș, Vasile Costiuc, and Ion Ștefăniță,” noted the iData director.

The respondents were asked about their intention to vote if parliamentary elections were held. “Most of the electors would traditionally vote for the ruling party (e.n. PAS) and the percentage of these is of 23.8%. 12.9% would vote for the Party of Socialists, 12.2% for the Chance Party, 3.5% for the National Alternative Movement, which are followed by the Party of Development and Consolidation of Moldova with 3.4%, etc.” stated Mihai Bologan. Also, 10% said they would not vote in elections, 22% don’t know which party they would vote for, while 1.5% refused to answer this question.

The research also showed that most of the citizens continue to support the integration into the European Union. Over 60% of those questioned said they are for accession to the EU. Only 1/3 of those interviewed said they are against, while 6% said they do not have an opinion on the issue.

The poll covered a representative sample of 1,322 persons from 353 Moldovan localities and was conducted during October 22-29. The margin of sampling error is 2.9%.

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