
Number of students in secondary schools on the wane


Of the 9,800 students with special educational needs (SENs) and with disabilities studying at national education institutions, 94.5% attend secondary schools, while 5.5% schools for children with intellectual or physical disabilities. The students with SENs in secondary schools total 7,700, an increase of 0.5% on the 2019/20 school year, while the students with disabilities come to 1,500, up 3.3%, IPN reports, with reference to the National Bureau of Statistics.

The number of boys with SENs and with disabilities attending secondary schools is higher than of girls:  65.9% as opposed to 34.1%.

In the ten schools for children with intellectual or physical disabilities, the number of students decreased almost twice, from 1,033 students in the 2015/16 school year to 541 persons in 2020/21. Two thirds of these (66.5%) have intellectual disabilities.

Of the total 334,400 students of primary and secondary schools, 80.6% study in Romanian, 19.2% in Russian, while 0.2% in other languages (Ukrainian, English, Bulgarian).

English continues to be the most popular foreign language in the 2020/21 school year. This language is studied by 72.5% of the students, an increase of 3.7% on the previous year. Also, 31.5% of the total students study French, down 2.9% on the 2019-2020 school year.

Some 26.7% of the teachers are aged between 50 and 59, while 0.6% are younger than 30. Over half of the teachers of primary and seconders schools have a length of service of 20 years and more.