
Not all plasma donors have Covid-19 antibodies


After recovering from Covid-19, not all donors convalescent plasma have antibodies to the novel coronavirus. The Blood Transfusion Center tested 119 donors and revealed that 15 of them didn’t have the antibodies. The recovery odds of patients in critical condition after undergoing convalescent plasma treatment is almost fifty-fifty. The subject was discussed during a public lecture on Thursday.

Dr. Constantin Spinu noted that in some donors antibody counts decreased after the first donation, and in others they were totally absent. According to the same study conducted by the Blood Transfusion Center, most donors, 44, are between 26 and 35 years old. 90 donors are from urban areas, the others from rural areas. Most donors, 73, donated plasma after developing a mild or moderate form of the disease and 10 severe forms.

Dr. Adrian Belîi, head of the Intesive Care Department at the Emergency Medicine Institute, said that out of 47 patients with very severe forms of the disease that underwent with convalescent plasma, 23 died and 24 survived. The average age of the deceased is 64 years, and of the survivors 56 years.

One preliminary conclusion is that this type of treatmnet works best at a stage of the disease where the cytokine storm hasn’t kicked in yet.

At present, there are 444 Covid-19 patients in critical condition in Moldova.