
NORLAM ready to further cooperate with Ministry of Justice


Representatives of the assessment commission of the NORLAM (Norwegian Mission of Rule of Law Advisers to Moldova), in a meeting with Deputy Minister of Justice Sabina Cerbu, said that Norway is ready to continue the cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, especially in the area of juvenile justice. There will be identified the priorities for this year and the measures that can be taken with the support of NORLAM, IPN reports.

According to a communique of the Ministry of Justice, another subject discussed was the examination of the opportunity of signing a cooperation agreement that would regulate the status of the NORLAM experts in Moldova.

“The NORLAM’s assistance is incontestable, especially in reforming the Central Probation Office, electronically monitoring detainees, setting up rooms for questioning minors, drafting the public policy proposal concerning the management of human resources in the penitentiary system, and in organizing fact-finding visits to Norway for representatives of the Debarment of Penitentiary Institutions,” said Deputy Minister of Justice Sabina Cerbu.

The NORLAM Mission is a sector program implemented by the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Safety and financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In Moldova, NORLAM operates on the basis of the bilateral Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway signed in Chisinau on May 3, 2007.