
No signs of valence found on body of boy from Hâncești


No signs of violence were found on the body of the six-year-old child from Hâncești found in the household’s outhouse. According to the police, the yard was examined visually initially, but the investigation measures were extended outside the yard as the parents said that the body was kidnapped.

Igor Zglavuța, division head at the National Investigation Inspectorate, said that additional examinations were carried out in the yard by using the forensic lab and the child’s body was found. The toilet was destroyed during the examinations. The probability that the body fell into it himself is very big.

Alexei Grosu, deputy head of the National Public Security Inspectorate, stated that a number of versions were examined following the child’s disappearance. Some people spoke about kidnapping, while others said they heard cries in the wood. The police examined 12 versions.

A criminal case over kidnapping was earlier started, but this will be dropped.

On May 26, the child’s mother alerted the police that Beniamin Osipciuc went missing. She said the six-year-old boy remained at home with his elder brother and sister aged 9 and, respectively, 14. The parents were at work. The searches lasted for two days and involved dozens of police officers, carabineers, rescuers and volunteers who checked wells, sewers, basements and other places.